
Methods of Dialogue and Interpretation

Course ID: 

To clarify and understand the role of both dialogue and interpretation in the process of life education, and how the two lead to an enhanced awareness, help one recognizing issues in life, deconstruct and reshape one’s meaning of life.

Also, to understand and distinguish how the two interact throughout the process of constructing and shaping the meaning of life and their corresponding effect and impact.

Learning Objectives

Competency Attributes Description Degree of Coverage
Attitude and Orientation Self-contemplation and self-reflection ●●●●○
Exploring and constructing the meaning of life ●●●○○
Calm body and mind and actively engaging in communities ●●●●○
Empathy and equality ●●●●●
Professional Skills: Carrying out multiple projects simultaneously through integration of various ideas Creating mission and vision


Developing life education capabilities through various original ideas ●●●○○
Designing and executing life education programs ●●●●○
Participating in the life education practice team ●●●●●
Promoting life education concepts in the society ●●●●●
Vision: Understanding the context of globalization Understanding and practicing multiculturalism ●●●●●
Understanding the dynamic association between the development of society and life education ●●●●○
For the life-caring concepts, understanding the interaction between their localized and cross-cultural applications
