
Multi-Cultural Integration and Cross-Cultural Studies

Course ID: 

This course aims to enable students to develop a thorough understanding about cultural issues. In this course students will be able

  1. to compare and contrast different cultures to their own culture and how different cultures deal with a variety of life phenomena. On the one hand, the understanding of differences between cultures will help students to broaden their perspectives; on the other hand, such an understanding will help to bridge the cultural gap and clearing up stereotypes and misunderstandings
  2.  to develop a thorough understanding and integration through in-depth discussion on literature and social phenomena.   
  3.  to develop introspection about respect, empathy and tolerance, through  the  understanding of multi-faceted culture. Through dialogues and debates over a variety of issues, (historical vs. contemporary, local vs. global) they will be able to break tangible/intangible cultural boundaries, expand their viewpoints, and hence cultivate them to become people of glocalisedperspectives.
Learning Objectives

Competency Attributes Description Degree of Coverage
Attitude and Orientation Self-contemplation and self-reflection ●●●●○
Exploring and constructing the meaning of life ●●●○○
Calm body and mind and actively engaging in communities ●●●●○
Empathy and equality ●●●●○
Professional Skills: Carrying out multiple projects simultaneously through integration of various ideas  Creating mission and vision ●●●●●
Developing life education capabilities through various original ideas ●●●●●
Designing and executing life education programs ●●●●○
Participating in the life education practice team ●●●●●
Promoting life education concepts in the society ●●●●○
Vision: Understanding the context of globalization Understanding and practicing multiculturalism> ●●●●●
Understanding the dynamic association between the development of society and life education ●●●●●
For the life-caring concepts, understanding the interaction between their localized and cross-cultural applications ●●●●●