
Title Introduction off-campus access
Invites pertinent contributions in analysis, composition, criticism, interdisciplinary studies, musicology, and performance practice; and welcomes reviews of books, concerts, music, recordings, and videos. The journal also seeks items of interest for its calendar, chronicle, comment, communications, opportunities, publications, recordings, and videos sections
the daily dugest of arts, culture & ideas
Founded in 1891, the University of Chicago Press was conceived by President William Rainey Harper as an organic part of the University, extending the influence of Chicago scholars around the globe. Within ten years, the Press had introduced fourteen scholarly journals (including American Journal of Sociology, The Elementary School Journal, The Journal of Geology, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, and Journal of Political Economy - all remain in wide circulation). Today, the Journals Division of the Press distributes more than 50 journals and hardcover serials, presenting original research from international scholars in the social sciences, humanities, education,
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Publishes journals presenting the latest research by leading Australian and overseas scientists and covering a broad range of subjects.
提供全文, 免費, 高品質的學術期刊, 包含各種主題和語言, 目前已收錄約 1,345 種期刊。
