
Title Introduction off-campus access
Stanford University Library 提供的高品質學術期刊文獻, 其中約200種可免費使用其全文, 包含各種學科範圍。
The Academy, founded in 1934, aims at promoting the progress and upholding the cause of science in pure and applied branches. Major activities include publication of scientific journals and special volumes, organizing meetings of the Fellowship and discussions on important topics, recognizing scientific talent, improvement of science education and taking up other issues of concern to the scientific community.
The Academy, founded in 1934, aims at promoting the progress and upholding the cause of science in pure and applied branches. Major activities include publication of scientific journals and special volumes, organizing meetings of the Fellowship and discussions on important topics, recognizing scientific talent, improvement of science education and taking up other issues of concern to the scientific community.
印度Informatics Ltd為提倡OAI (Open Access Initiative)在2006年2月27日成立Open J-Gate網站,提供線上免費檢索3718種open access 期刊所刊載的數百萬篇期刊文章,同時可以免費閱讀全文,所收錄期刊有半數為同儕審查期刊(peer-reviewed journals),半數為專業或商期刊,可以檢索,也可以依期刊名瀏覽。
devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences. We have received several excellence awards for our web site.
