Detail of Forum of Green Industry
Development process and background of green industry
Environment & Development was initiated to being the future human development concept from European Union at late 1980. Based on this, the idea of “Sustainable Development” was emerged at 1992.
Forum of Green Industry
Development process and background of green industry
Environment & Development was initiated to being the future human development concept from European Union at late 1980. Based on this, the idea of “Sustainable Development” was emerged at 1992.
“Industry toward green” is from the concept of cleaner production and energy saving & emission reduction. The basic concept of cleaner production includes (1) the pollutant is the raw materials of not utilized, (2) the pollutant add innovative technology are the “valuable resources “. Cleaner production is not only reducing pollution but also the resource and energy conservation from the product LCA (life cycle assessment, includes product design, manufacture, package and consumers). Therefore, emission reduction of wastes (air, water, solid waste) from the source of process is the effective solution for present various environmental issues.
Range of green industry
Broadly speaking, green industry can include the agriculture, industry and services. All of the techniques can prove that better than the traditional techniques in saving resources demand, energy conservation and low pollution can be called green industry/ techniques. The cleaner production mechanism and green product can be the indicators for the green industry. Narrower sense for green industry, low pollution, low energy use and recycling industry belong the general category.
Cleaner production and eco-efficiency
Cleaner production and eco-efficiency are one of the essential elements of green industry. It shows the fewer resources use implies to create more value. Eco-efficiency points the enterprises should adopt the concept of “design for environment, DfE”, and pay attention in reducing environmental impact of product or service life-cycle. Based on above, the enterprises will be more competitive in product supply chain in the future market.
Seven elements toward eco-efficiency
- Reducing the material intensity of product and service
- Reducing the energy intensity of product and service
- Reducing the spread of toxicants
- Raising the recycling of materials
- Max. utility for renewable resource
- Extending product durability
- Increasing the service intensity of product and service
For the new trends of “environmental sustainability”, green industry becomes the new field for the development in the future. This forum will continuously manage and publish the related activities and paper in green industry issues. It will offer an academic platform in development of green industry and the vision in the future.
Detail of Sustainable Resources Management Center
As Taiwan’s economic development depends highly on trade, many valuable mineral resources also rely on import. Such industries are always hit hard whenever an imbalance of supply and demand occurs, which in turn leads to an increase in the price of limited resources.
Sustainable Resources Management Center
As Taiwan’s economic development depends highly on trade, many valuable mineral resources also rely on import. Such industries are always hit hard whenever an imbalance of supply and demand occurs, which in turn leads to an increase in the price of limited resources.
Over the past decade, the newly emerging industrial ecology takes the fact that materials can be both a resource and waste very seriously. The economic system leads to reallocation of materials, resulting in massive consumption of resources and in waste problems.
In view of material flow analysis and assessment tools, the high level of interdependence is what can help the eco-industrial society adjust flexibly, digesting its waste while making effective use of resources. Understanding the metabolism of the economic system by using material flow as the basis of cognition allows investigations through various viewpoints and levels. More than 10 years of academic research on material flow assessment and resource management have been done in Taiwan.
Striving to promote future resource productivity, the CTCI Foundation initiated the establishment of the “Promotion Center for Sustainable Resource Management” in 2009, with the cooperation of academic institutions within Taiwan (Currently, there are four institutional members, namely the CTCI Foundation; the Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University; the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research; and the School of Environmental Studies, Dharma Drum University.). It is hoped that the Center will be able to work closely with similar institutes abroad to enhance the sustainable use of domestic natural resources..
Based on Material Flow Assessment (MFA) and resource management to promote Taiwan’s economic development and environmental protection, as a win-win strategy.
- Promoting Taiwan’s sustainable resource management strategies so as to upgrade resource productivity.
- Applying MFA to develop sustainable production model and consumption patterns.
- Developing theories, strategies and tools which meet the abovementioned objectives.
- Creating a platform for global information exchange and international cooperation, and sharing the experiences and study results regarding material flow analysis.
Activities and Anticipated Achievements
- Creating a platform for global information exchange and international cooperation, integrating study findings of research centers and industries, and signing cooperation agreements with similar think tanks and research institutes abroad.
- Promoting legislation and/or national strategy.
- Case studies at different levels.
- Introducing and developing MFA-based technological handbooks and software.
- Establishing MFA-based information database structure and data sources.
- Publications
The CTCI Foundation currently provides partial funding for the Center and encourages the government and industries to introduce more related funding.
Currently, there are four institutional members, namely the CTCI Foundation; the Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University; the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research; and the School of Environmental Studies, Dharma Drum University.
2009 Philanthropy Forum
This forum addresses a series of issues about the humanities, technologies, and social transformation. The outcome of the forum is expected to benefit the society in general and specifically the ongoing development of Dharma Drum University.
2009 Philanthropy Forum
This forum addresses a series of issues about the humanities, technologies, and social transformation. The outcome of the forum is expected to benefit the society in general and specifically the ongoing development of Dharma Drum University.
The main theme for 2009 Philanthropy Forum is “Networking for Social Transformation”. We would like to explore the complex, dynamic relationships between the Internet and the society. In specific, we want to discuss the role of Internet and web-based tools in fostering collaboration, dialogue, and social advancement from the technological, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions. The forum subjects and the corresponding dates are listed in the following:
No. | Forum Subject | Date |
1 | Civic Participation in the Networking Society | 2009.04.24 |
2 | Web, Design, User Experience | 2009.05.16 |
3 | A Blogger's Manifesto: Free Speech and Censorship in the Age of the Internet | 2009.06.20 |
4 |
Dialogue and the Public Sphere: The Dying Political Talk Shows in Taiwan | 2009.07.18 |
The Philanthropy Forum aims to serve as an open space that facilitates dialogue among people who want to make a difference for our society.
2008 Philanthropy Forum
The mission of Dharma Drum University is to improve the quality of humanity and create a pure land on earth. Based on the core value of protecting the spiritual environment, we are committed to cultivate a higher quality of life with compassion, wisdom, harmony, and respect.
2008 Philanthropy Forum
The mission of Dharma Drum University is to improve the quality of humanity and create a pure land on earth. Based on the core value of protecting the spiritual environment, we are committed to cultivate a higher quality of life with compassion, wisdom, harmony, and respect.
The School of Philanthropy shares the same mission and focuses on cultivating students to become change agents for society. The Philanthropy Forum aims to serve as an open space that facilitates dialogue among people who want to make a difference for our society. This forum addresses a series of issues about the humanities, technologies, and social transformation. The outcome of the forum is expected to benefit the society in general and specifically the ongoing development of Dharma Drum University.
The main theme for 2008 Philanthropy Forum is “Philanthropy and University”. We would like to explore the role of university in fostering social innovation and robust development of civil society. The forum subjects and the corresponding dates are listed in the following:
No. | Forum Subject | Date |
1 | University and Philanthropy in the Civil Society | 2008.03.21 |
2 | Philanthropic Leadership and Education | 2008.05.21 |
3 | Philanthropy, Innovation, and Social Enterprise | 2008.07.17 |
4 | Philanthropy in the Era of Internet | 2008.09.24 |
5 | Civic Participation in the Era of Globalization | 2008.12.27 |
- Philanthropic Leadership and Education (II)
- University and Philanthropy in the Civil Society (IV)
- University and Philanthropy in the Civil Society (III)
- University and Philanthropy in the Civil Society (II)
- Philanthropy, Innovation, and Social Enterprise (II)
- University and Philanthropy in the Civil Society (I)
- Philanthropic Leadership and Education ( I )
- Philanthropy in the Era of Internet ( V )
- Philanthropy in the Era of Internet ( IV )
- Philanthropy in the Era of Internet ( III )
- Philanthropy in the Era of Internet ( II )
- Philanthropy in the Era of Internet ( I )
Philanthropy Forum is a learning commons that facilitates civil society reflection and dialogue.
Ph.D. Degree Program of Practical Philosophy (Under Planning)
The scheme of this course stresses that philosophy’s function lies in intellectuals’ care and participation for and in the public domains, hence it covers a variety of philosophical approaches, from the constitution of conception and history to starting researches and realizing related spheres such as social philosophy, political philosophy, cultural philosophy, life and life&rsq