
【Forum】Future Connect: A Review of Social Networking Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

Date/Time: 2010/04/17(Sat.) - 13:30 - 17:30

Place: 77, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei; Degui Academy 7th floor, R715 (Map)

Host: Frontier Foundation, Dharma Drum University, Netivism.com.tw

Keynote Speaker: Ann T.C. Kao / Project Director for Southeast Asian Region, Frontier Foundation


(1) 13:00~15:00 The Taiwanese Experiences

(2) 15:30~17:30 Compare and Contrast Among Chinese Communities

Panelists (video conferencing):

Liu, Jiangliang /Shanghai, Inetasia Solution Ltd. Internet Marketing Manager

Hsu, Shengjian /Malaysia, mybloggercon.com

Jaco Hendrix /Hong Kong, Social Activist




“Future Connect” is an international research project on social networking. Five countries (Brazil, India, South Africa, Thailand, and United kingdom) have engaged in the research from 2007 to 2009. The purpose is to understand how to make better use of social network Sites/Services (SNS) to communicate social issues. The research team explored how young people are using social networking sites and services as well as how social-purpose organizations are adopting communication technologies in scaling up social impact. This research also made recommendations regarding ways to better communicate with young generations through social networking services.


The research of “Future Connect” is funded by aids2031, a consortium of partners who come together to look at what have been learned about the AIDS response and the implications of the changing world around AIDS. Communication for Social Change Consortium conducted this research. Ann Kao, project director of for Southeast Asian region of Frontier Foundation, is responsible for the research in Thailand. As this research is about to complete, she takes the opportunity to come to Taipei to share her research findings. Her presentation and the discussions will be focused on comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences using social networking services in Taiwan and other Chinese communities. The results from this forum will provide valuable feedback for the research.