
Student learning effectiveness is the primary concern in designing the program. The program enables students to work as a team and to convert social needs into concrete goals and results through the social innovation and entrepreneurship approaches. The program trains students to develop sustainable business models that emphasize the networking and collaboration. The program cultivates abilities in action-based research and connects local actions with global networks of activists in related issues. The program also pays attention to humanities and interdisciplinarity. The program highlights the integration of theory and practice, nurturing graduates to be able to think holistically and to effectively lead and manage organizations for social purpose.

The courses of the program balance the need for depth and scope. From the aspect of globalization, the program addresses contemporary issues related to global knowledge economy and civil society. The program explores new ideas and trends in combining social enterprise approaches with social media. From the aspect of organizational development, the program focuses on the issues of social entrepreneurship and management of nonprofit organizations. From the aspect of individual or group capability development, the program aims to cultivate ethical awareness and core values, as well as skills to create and manage socially responsible organizations.

The program equips students with core capabilities in social entrepreneurship and management. Students will be involved in social enterprise projects within or outside the university. Those real-world projects can significantly improve students’ competitiveness.

In short, the program aims to cultivate professionals in three areas:

  • Innovation and entrepreneurship for social purpose
  • Social marketing and management
  • Corporate social responsibility and cross-sector cooperation