

Chan and Body-Mind-Spirit Health in Modern Society

Media Series: 
Lecture Date: 
Thu, 2011-10-13

Professor Shi Ling, Wuhan University
Venerable Guo Qi, Director of Young People Development Department, Dharma Drum Mountain
Professor Yang Pei, Preparatory Office of Dharma Drum College

From water and soil restoration to ecological agriculture

Media Series: 
Lecture Date: 
Wed, 2011-10-12

Dr. Wen-Sen Chu, Preparatory Office of Dharma Drum College

NGO Research Center

The NGO Research Center is a research institute in the School of Philanthropy at the Dharma Drum University. The primary purpose of the research center is to promote good NGO management practices and facilitate interdisciplinary research. The NGO Research Center has extensive competence and experience in NGO research. Its extensive research has two main foci: