


We live in an era of discovery. Each day, scientists bring us closer to understanding fundamental questions about human life. How does the brain process information and store knowledge? How do mutations in key genes cause disease? How do cells communicate?


The MBGnet project began in the mid-nineties as a collaboration between the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Evergreen Project. Together we created a series of videos about terrestrial biomes and aquatic habitats called What's It Like Where You Live?. The MBGnet website was based on these videos and gives additional information about the ecosystems.

The Encyclopedia of Science

The Encyclopedia of Science is an on-line A-to-Z of science (and technology, mathematics, philosophy, etc) maintained and updated on a daily basis by astronomer/author David Darling and is part of The Worlds of David Darling website.


Title Introduction off-campus access
Invites pertinent contributions in analysis, composition, criticism, interdisciplinary studies, musicology, and performance practice; and welcomes reviews of books, concerts, music, recordings, and videos. The journal also seeks items of interest for its calendar, chronicle, comment, communications, opportunities, publications, recordings, and videos sections
the daily dugest of arts, culture & ideas
Founded in 1891, the University of Chicago Press was conceived by President William Rainey Harper as an organic part of the University, extending the influence of Chicago scholars around the globe. Within ten years, the Press had introduced fourteen scholarly journals (including American Journal of Sociology, The Elementary School Journal, The Journal of Geology, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, and Journal of Political Economy - all remain in wide circulation). Today, the Journals Division of the Press distributes more than 50 journals and hardcover serials, presenting original research from international scholars in the social sciences, humanities, education,
CiteULike is a free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser. There's no need to install any special software.
Publishes journals presenting the latest research by leading Australian and overseas scientists and covering a broad range of subjects.
提供全文, 免費, 高品質的學術期刊, 包含各種主題和語言, 目前已收錄約 1,345 種期刊。

Databases List

Title Introduction off-campus access
華藝線上圖書館,已整合CEPS思博網、CETD中文電子學位論文兩個資料庫資料在同一介面上, 同時提供了電子期刊(收錄臺灣及中國出版的學術期刊文獻,另納入美國、香港、馬來西亞等國出版之中英文期刊。)、 會議論文(收錄台灣各大學或學會舉辦之重要研討會會議論文)、學位論文(收錄以中文 為主要語言類別,2004年起,收錄學校包括國立臺灣大學、國立交通大學、國立中興大學等各校 之博碩士論文)。 yes
•索摘/全文 •博士論文
收錄 45,000 篇大標題全文,9,000 筆參考書目資料,155,000 餘個超連結至與各主題相關之學術或專業網站 (Internet Links);另外包括 3 個子資料庫:1.Americana Journal (大美線上新聞週刊) 。2.Americana Profiles (人物略傳)。 3.Editors' Picks (本週精選熱門主題導讀)。 並提供 Dictionary (葛羅里線上辭典) 及 Atlas (電子互動地圖)。主題範疇:多元化學術領域,涵蓋藝術、社會科學、地理、歷史、哲學、宗教、體育與娛樂、科學、技術。 yes
可以查詢閱讀圖書外,亦加入雜誌全文供檢索,包含有 New York Magazine、Popular Mechanics、Ebony、Popular Science。
Publishes journals presenting the latest research by leading Australian and overseas scientists and covering a broad range of subjects.
收錄 40,000 篇大標題全文,17,000 筆參考書目資料,7,900 個圖表,可連結 100,000 篇 EBSCO 期刊全文,114,000 餘個超連結至與各主題相關之學術或專業網站,並有多媒體影音教材;另有5個資資料庫:Brain Jam(學園天地)、News(新聞)、Today Is(今日大事)、Research Starters (導讀)、Timeline(世界史),並提供 Dictionary (葛羅里線上辭典) 及 Atlas (電子互動地圖)。主題範疇:多元化學術領域,主要涵蓋人文與藝術、科學與技術、社會科學、地理、體育與娛樂、當代生活。
Grolier Educational (美國葛羅里公司) 於 1996 年所發展出之線上資料庫系統,主要提供 Grolier 獨家之 7 種百科全書線上資料庫以及 Weekly e-zine (線上週刊)。CONCERT聯盟自2000年起以 National Academic License 引進 Grolier Online 其中之 2 種百科全書全文資料庫-Encyclopedia Americana Online 及 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Online,提供全國各大專院校及本會所屬機構使用。 yes

Off-Campus Access






請使用 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 以上與 Netscape 6.0 以上之網頁瀏覽器,並將瀏覽器之自動組態,設定為本館校外連線專用之網址http://proxy.ddc.edu.tw/proxy.pac
